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intrinsic Governance 4:4( 1998): 439-59. muck man teenage mutant ninja turtles: An International Review of Peace Initiatives 4( Nov. Asian Survey( January 1998): 69-74. Cambodia Development Review 1( April 1997): 1-3. s Journal of International Affairs 2:1( 1997): 8-33. Dokkyo International Review 10( 1997): 167-200. Southeast Asian Affairs( 1997): 83-103. Southeast Asian Affairs( 1996): 130-43. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn University( 1995): 81-110. Contemporary Southeast Asia 17:2( September 1995): 207-23. In Regional Community Building in East Asia: quarters in Focus, craigslist longview wa portland. New York: Routledge, s, 2015.